Tuesday, February 23, 2010

jennifer lopez has a really rough time, at concert.

while jennifer lopez is singing at one of her very concerts, some doggies in the crowd, named scrappy, ginger, daisy, ziggy, brody, chula, find out that jennifer lopez is lip singing, everyone in the crowd, starts booing jennifer lopez, she runs off the stage crying, she runs into her dressing room, she gets out of her clothes, she walks behind a clothes divider and takes off her bra and underwear, she walks out of it a naked woman, she finds a nightgown and puts it on, a very friendly kind genie named molly, who is wearing her hair down, jennifer lopez picks up a wishing lamp, molly,the genie comes of the lamp, jennifer lopez makes a wish to start get younger, molly, the genie grants her wish, jennifer lopez starts younger and younger, she all ready regreesed into a 16 year old teengager, wearing bathrobe, but jennifer lopez keeps getting younger, intill she regresses into a 10 year old little girl, again, the bathrobe that jennifer lopez is wearing drops to the ground, jennifer lopez is standing in her baggy bathrobe, and she is crying for her mommy and daddy, molly, the genie takes all jennifer lopez's credit cards and cash in wallet, to use to buy a very fast porsche and bigger genie's lamp.

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